Wednesday, December 1, 2010


i have gone through 2500 paperclips since yesterday.
this light is going to be the death of me, i swear.
but, hopefully it'll be epic enough. we'll see :)
i've got 5000 more coming in the mail as of an hour ago.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


our group's new word is ABSENT. hence the 'absent' title.


— adj
1. away or not present
2. lacking; missing
3. inattentive; absent-minded

— vb
4. ( tr ) to remove (oneself) or keep away

and we decided that this would be an appropriately eerie location to represent it:

and thanks to nate for the crazy amazing photos!

i'd say it's a pretty 'removed, inattentive, absent-minded' area appropriate for keeping one away?

Monday, October 25, 2010


i decided to change my word. we're now CHANGING to CHANGE.
ahahahah irony, i love it.
i wasn't coming up with too many good 'dribble' ideas.
and i had a ton for change, so i changed :)

to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of(something) different from what it is or from what it wouldbe if left alone: to change one's nameto change one'sopinion; to change the course of history.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


so, my word is dribble, obviously. it's defined by the online merriam-webeter dictionary as the following:

transitive verb
: to issue sporadically and in small bits
: to let or cause to fall in drops little by little
a : to propel by successive slight taps or bounces with hand, foot, or stick <dribble a basketball> <dribble a puck>b : to hit (as a baseball) so as to cause a slow bouncing

Sunday, October 3, 2010

sketches and sketches and sketches, oh my!

320 sketches doesn't sound like a big deal, right?
well actually, it does. but it's a way bigger deal than i thought.
it's just getting reaaaally redundant.  i'm starting to run out of ways to represent a jackknife, you know?
even with the different prompts, i've still been relatively stagnant when it comes to actually doing them.
i have around 280 right now, but they're all mixed together, and different prompts are mixed with others on the same page.  sorting through like 60 reams of paper and scanning them images so they're together with the others of the same prompt is going to be one fun time. perhapssss i'll have a bds party, and we can order food. that, however, sounds like a whole lot of anything but productiveness, basically.  meh.  
what's that sound? oh yes, the sound of hundreds of pages of sketches calling me to get mah ass to work.
annnnd, i'm outie.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

oh hey comics.

so, parent's weekend, yes? i'm sitting here in a hotel room with my 3 other family members, typing as quietly as i can because, why? because i'm not good at sleeping. love it, but i'm just not good at it. the mountain dew i had may be to blame for part of that. everyone else is just quietly being consumed by their dreams.  i have a lot to do. i have my computer. what's on my to-do list? blog, that's what. i figure that midnight is the best time to type. get your thoughts out. consequently, i'm here. blogging.

i'm quite excited for the $200 worth of art supplies we just bought. it's a tad late, but i've got them :) if only people knew how much better art supplies were than therapy, you, me and the economy would be in such a better position. shrinks, however, would find themselves out on the street. i'd still choose art supplies.

anyways. bds homework reading number whaaa?
comics. read them. a lot of pages of them.
and read them i did.
i found them to be surprisingly interesting, too. regular readings are just like blaaaah. but the pictures made the reading all doable and enjoyable. the three year old in me appreciated every second of it. to be honest though, i felt like they were too long. like the pdf just got longer and longer and longer and longer, and i had to take a ramen break before finishing the last 7 pages. asides from the tediousness that accompanies any sort of reading 'assignment', the comics were relatively insightful and presented a fair amount of useful information. admittedly, i skipped over a few thought bubbles to pay more attention to the pictures. comics aren't too good with someone like me. i think i got the main jist of things though. we'll see at the discussion on monday.

plan for tomorrow: commence 80 additional drawings due on tuesday. no big, you know.

i also still have to buy whiteout and 485730827 reams of paper. and white artist's tape. and rubber cement pickup. though, i'm still not clear as to what exactly that is. i suppose we'll find out.

Monday, September 13, 2010

process photos.

group / process photos.
excuse the shotty iphone picture quality.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

object discussions and a big batch of fun.

so, i guess i`ll give a relatively brief synapsis of our class work from the past few days.

we`ve been working on project number 2 ( ooh, aah ) : make it better! design for 5 bucks.
we broke into teams. our team ( which i believe to be superior, no lie / offense ; i`m quite biased ) consists of myself, melissa, cody and joe. aka, the dreammm teammm. w00t.
after we all chose and reflected over our objects, we decided to redesign cody`s paper clip holder.
a series of mind maps and communal brainstorms, as well as some out of this world sketching, etc., led us to agree upon one design ( final product, tba ) and started prototyping it thursday.
tonight we`re all getting together to complete it.
so, for your amusement, here are some pictures, courtesy of melissa meyers :)

joe. deep in thought, as always :)

our mostttt beautiful mind map, v1.

cody`s drawing of the original product.

final mindmap ! so organized and glorious.

Monday, September 6, 2010

the deep dive.

thursday, september whenever, i believe it was the second, we watched the deep dive.
i found it to be exceptionally interesting. we watched it last year in my civil engineering & architecture class, but it was even better the second time around.
though a relatively old film, all the methods of design and engineering used are still alive and present, perhaps even more so than ever.

now. time for the analysis. please, contain your excitement.

Where is IDEO? 
i believe it was palo alto california. silicon valley to be exact.

Who is the founder? 
they call him david, david kelley.

Who is on the team, what are the roles?
 multiple persons were on the team, each with a completely different job. there was a linguist, a psychologist, an engineer, a designer, etc, etc.. their roles differed, yet they were all viewed as an equal to the other. welcome to the wonderful world of democracy.

What is the deep dive process? 
well. abc approached the ideo team with the " challenge ". ideo accepted. filming commenced. the ideo team examined the shopping cart to determine the characteristics that could be changed to more enhance a shopper's experience with the cart. idea after crazy out of this world idea is thrown out, everything is accepted and is then post-it-noted on the wall. some designs are then rejected. ( ejector buttons determined to be unnecessary. ) the best designs are then determined, and prototypes are thus created. more ideas for development are thrown out there. models are enhanced. further study then allows for a final product to be made up. testing then ensues.

What are the rules (montra) written on the walls around?
defer judgement : reject no ideas during the brainstorming process. 
encourage crazy ideas : nothing is too crazy. got that ? nothing.
the ideas of others can lead to bigger, better ideas.
go for quantity : again, nothing is too crazy. put it out there.
verbs, not nouns.

What is the motto? 
" fail often in order to succeed sooner. ( but fail quickly, as andrea put it )

How can this process work in your major? (it can work in every major).
i don't necessarily think that any one aspect of the deep dive process relates directly to industrial design, but the entire thing is relatable. the brainstorming, the crazy ideas, the acceptance of everything, all of it can be used throughout any - design - career. 

well, that`s all for that.
onto 10 redesign sketches of my cablecuff, and 5 interviews.
oh the anticipation.
this is how i spend my labor days :)