thursday, september whenever, i believe it was the second, we watched the deep dive.
i found it to be exceptionally interesting. we watched it last year in my civil engineering & architecture class, but it was even better the second time around.
though a relatively old film, all the methods of design and engineering used are still alive and present, perhaps even more so than ever.
now. time for the analysis. please, contain your excitement.
Where is IDEO?
i believe it was palo alto california. silicon valley to be exact.
Who is the founder?
they call him david, david kelley.
Who is on the team, what are the roles?
multiple persons were on the team, each with a completely different job. there was a linguist, a psychologist, an engineer, a designer, etc, etc.. their roles differed, yet they were all viewed as an equal to the other. welcome to the wonderful world of democracy.
What is the deep dive process?
well. abc approached the ideo team with the " challenge ". ideo accepted. filming commenced. the ideo team examined the shopping cart to determine the characteristics that could be changed to more enhance a shopper's experience with the cart. idea after crazy out of this world idea is thrown out, everything is accepted and is then post-it-noted on the wall. some designs are then rejected. ( ejector buttons determined to be unnecessary. ) the best designs are then determined, and prototypes are thus created. more ideas for development are thrown out there. models are enhanced. further study then allows for a final product to be made up. testing then ensues.
What are the rules (montra) written on the walls around?
defer judgement : reject no ideas during the brainstorming process.
encourage crazy ideas : nothing is too crazy. got that ? nothing.
the ideas of others can lead to bigger, better ideas.
go for quantity : again, nothing is too crazy. put it out there.
verbs, not nouns.
What is the motto?
" fail often in order to succeed sooner. ( but fail quickly, as andrea put it )
How can this process work in your major? (it can work in every major).
i don't necessarily think that any one aspect of the deep dive process relates directly to industrial design, but the entire thing is relatable. the brainstorming, the crazy ideas, the acceptance of everything, all of it can be used throughout any - design - career.
well, that`s all for that.
onto 10 redesign sketches of my cablecuff, and 5 interviews.
oh the anticipation.
this is how i spend my labor days :)